Books by Carlos Fuentes (4)


Aura by Carlos Fuentes ES

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
"Lees ese anuncio: una oferta de esa naturaleza no se hace todos los días. Lees y relees el aviso. Parece dirigido a ti, a nadie más": asícomienza Aura, novela hechizante, donde lo verdadero es lo imposible, donde el amor a la vez sacrifica y devuelve la vida, y la inmortalidad tiene un precio que algunos están dispuestos a pagar.Pocos textos en la literatura mexicana de imaginación tienen la belleza y la expresividad de este relato en que los procedimientos de la ficción están llevados a sus últimas consecuencias. Las imágenes del sueño alteran la realidad o la realidad se ve contaminada por ... continue


The Old Gringo : A Novel by Carlos Fuentes EN

0 Ratings
In The Old Gringo, Carlos Fuentes brings the Mexico of 1916 uncannily to life. This novel is wise book, full of toughness and humanity and is without question one of the finest works of modern Latin American fiction. One of Fuentes's greatest works, the novel tells the story of Ambrose Bierce, the American writer, soldier, and journalist, and of his last mysterious days in Mexico living among Pancho Villa's soldiers, particularly his encounter with General Tomas Arroyo. In the end, the incompatibility of the two countries (or, paradoxically, their intimacy) claims both men, in a novel that is,... continue


Where the Air is Clear by Carlos Fuentes EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
"Where the Air Is Clear," Carlos Fuentes's first novel, is an unsparing portrayal of Mexico City's upper class. Departing from a traditional linear narrative, Fuentes overlays Mexican myths onto contemporary settings, showing that even the rich and powerful must succumb to the indomitable spirit of Mexico, which undermines all institutions and shapes all destinies. First published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 1988, Dalkey Archive Press in 2004, now available again.